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The vacation riches of Northern California are detailed--including the Gold Rush country, ski resorts, and family camps. This award-winning book covers where to stay, where to eat, and what to do and also provides appropriate information for families--such as the availability of highchairs, booster seats, and cribs. Detailed alphabetical and categorical indexes make it easy to find what you are looking for.
- I-80 North (including Berkeley and Sacramento)
What People are saying about this book
". . . as useful and entertaining as ever . . . an up-to-date, comprehensive and eminently readable round-up of San Francisco hot spots--both traditional and lesser-known. Ms. Meyers' love for the City and her familiarity with its abundant charms are evident in every entry."
--Willie L. Brown, Jr., Mayor of San Franciso
"This lady is organized . . . well-researched guide." --San Francisco Chronicle Book Review
" . . .easy-to-follow format." --Booklist
"Made my life a lot easier. Saved me a ton of time." -- Dumpster Rentals Cape Coral FL
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